Male and female yes! In Wicca, there are two sides to deity as there is in everything, sun and moon, light and dark, Lord and Lady.
Loubelle, if you read about the reasoning behind the rites, you will find it's easy to understand.
First, do no harm, then do what you will.
The concept is simple, but the application takes some work.
There is much freedom in the practicie of Wicca, but two things are considered important, doing no harm and thankfulness to the Goddess and God as well as thankfulness in general.
Christianity has the Golden Rule, do unto others ect., Wicca takes it one step further, not only do no harm to others, but do nothing to harm yourself.
Wiccans also believe in the threefold law, whatever you do comes back to you threefold times. Do bad deeds and you will recieve them back multiplied. Do good and you will receive good back multiplied. Some people call this karma, but every religion has a version of this belief.
The celebrations and rituals follow the moon cycles and the seasons, people can worship in groups or be solitary practitioners.
Wicca and christianity are not opposites .I have a son in law who is both Wiccan and Catholic.